Monday, April 12, 2010

Article 8: Alternatives to the Death Penalty

Source Citation:
Millett, Fred. "Alternatives to the Death Penalty." End the Death Penalty NOW! Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 12 April 2010.

If I had to choose the perfect article that fits my research exactly how I imagined it, this would be the one. This article reviews a few alternatives to the death penalty, rehabilitation being one of them. When it mentioned that it would be a good alternative for juveniles on the death row, I was pretty shocked. There are young people being sentenced to death without a chance at turning their life around? That was an interesting little tidbit of information I got.

Something else is that "although not all criminals can be reformed, the vast majority of them can, proven by the fact that most parolees never commit a violent crime again when re-entering society" (Millett). That right there will probably be the driving force behind my research. If most criminals can be reformed, then why don't they? Unfortunately, rehabilitation is the most unpopular alternative to the death penalty because people don't want to take the risk of trying to reform a incorrigible criminal. It's just too bad that we'd rather be executing people to be safe rather than sorry that we tried to reform them. I say that people should attempt to rehabilitate criminals, but if it doesn't work then they could be punished. Or they could be punished first and then rehabilitated. Either way, they both seem like more favorable options than just simply killing the person outright.

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